Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 28 August 1923



Die Mars


12.30 a.m. Hail unto Kheph Ra!


Yesterday went well, designing Golf Hotel & writing Magic letters & reading Upanishads. Will now draw bridge for Hotel.


10.35 p.m. I admit the perfection of everything, yet I spend my life trying to remedy its imperfections, but it is a part of the perfection that there should be somebody engaged in that kind of work. The only way of illustrating that point of perfection is to imagine that imperfection, as is obvious.


11.0 p.m. I have been having a wonderful drunk—some three days of it, really! Last night by mantra—‘they shall not harm ye at all etc’—I pulled myself together for today. Also, Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] was working for me. The point is: do I have to pay for that use of Will? i.e. shall I be utterly exhausted & ill tomorrow—or no? 93 depends on that!


11.3. ‘Music’ has been ghastly for the last hour—the Cinema Nunez. It reminds me that I ‘forgot’ to put any arrangements for music on my Golf Club Hotel—Freudian: I loathe it.


