Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 10 September 1923
Die Luna
1.30 a.m. Hail unto Kheph Ra!
Yesterday a holiday: i.e. I dictated an essay on ‘B.V.’ 5 or 6000 words or more!
Note: The theory of Immortality there set forth accords with all other ideas of the ‘after-death’ state. A man’s life being merely one way in which he can look at himself, the next view may equally well be ‘heaven’, a fresh incarnation, Devachan—anything. There is not even any need to observe consistency: Paradise, Nibbana may happen to the same man, just as they may be described on successive pages of a book!
9.40 a.m. Thelemic Statecraft. Voting to be abolished. Any given matter to be administered by an expert who demonstrates the True Will of the elements involved.
11.44 a.m. Notes for my Rabelais essay. 1. Levi’s remark.
2. General atmosphere of Magick. a. Symbolism: moral ideas expressed by physical. b. Powers, methods, & Aims of characters: their motives. c. Laws of Magick assumed throughout.
3. Who are Pantagruel, John Epistemon Panurge?—all parts of the soul. Divine rulers of all things.
4. 3 chinasces (α) 93; (β) Pantagruelion = Elixir or stone; (γ) TRINC = ecstasy conferring omnipotence, etc. 5. Note prophesy about 666. 6. Frankness: sees all as a matter of joy. 7. Parable of Devil & Old Woman. The Womb of Nuit will swallow all Evil. 8. His message: against Rome.
[Notes on opposite page:] Reveal Arcana.
Panurge =
John= Nu Noah, who wins out for man by courage. Epist[emon] Prudence [Panurge] Gruel? Gargantua/Garganelle? [Gimel] =Moon. [Resh] = Sun. ‘Plenty of good cheer & glory’ = Sol. ‘Plenty of milk’ = Luna. Pichrocole—Bitter bile. Grandiourier = big swallower.
Γαυος; order commander, Άγρὸς field. Γαρορα plenty Γρὺ pig’s grunt. Γαυαο to shine, to be glad, cheerful, refreshed. ànιοz disk orbit. 'αnelgo to milk, to suck, to give suck, drink.