Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 13 September 1923
Die Jupiter
2 a.m. 111 = HPΓ (last night’s meditation).
Heru-Ra-Ha appears as R[a-]H[oor-]K[uit] & H[oor-)P[aa-] K[raat), the projection & withdrawal of energy.
He appears to be the manifestation arising from an act of love under will between Nuit & Hadit, his force being determined by the environment in which he appears, i.e. the spatio-temporal conditions of the New Aeon.
Number is a concept which enables us to represent any possible idea in organic relation with any other, so that the Universe may be symbolized as a continuum from which we may select any convenient series such that the mathematical relations of its numbers will help us to realize the unity of the ideas to which they correspond.
4.30 a.m. Q[uer]y special form of Oath of Probationers who have worked under me personally—& want to make a more definite statement of claim, e.g. It being an essential element of any 93 to help 93 establish 93, I pledge myself to execute such orders as 93 may issue to me officially; & I demand success in those & all my other undertakings in order that I may be able to gain constantly increasing control of my environment.
8 a.m. My sensitiveness & imagination. Observing that I might decide to reincarnate as a ‘Labour Leader’ or some political ass, I got all worked up about the risk of assassination!
9.0 [a.m.]. In the night I invoked 93, & wanted to go into the financial current thoroughly (to find a way to get out of my dilemma about the original Oath). He refused to discuss the matter, saying that things were already settled.
4.0. p.m. Slept only an hour or so-if at all-last night. Working from 9.0 a.m. at Hag, [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] keeping awake with C. so as to be dog-tired by 10 & start fresh sleeping at night instead of by day, as I have been doing so long.
4.8 p.m. Can two things be more ‘unique’? The ‘uniqueness’ common to both (by hypothesis) destroys that uniqueness. Good: then they are not unique, on the hypothesis that they are. This is a fairly good instance of ‘zigzaggedness’, rather like ‘the least number that cannot be defined in less than 100 words’. (True solution of this, by the way, is that there is no such number.)
9.45 p.m. Hagging [dictating The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] all day.
10.40 [p.m.]. I lament that I cannot write common Christian hymns. The field has been covered so well by the serious writers. However—
I Have you got an invitation to the Marriage of the Lamb? Have you found the free salvation of the Firstborn of I AM? Has He saved you from damnation as He did your Dad & Mam? —It’s you he’s worried over!
II Were you slated for Election before Eternity? Are you under the protection of the Wings of the Most High? Will you join the resurrection & join Jesus in the sky? —It’s you he’s worried over!
III Like a ram caught in the thicket, by Jehovah’s stratagem Jesus died to save the wicked in his wondrous love for them Have you bought a one-way ticket to the New Jerusalem? —It’s you he’s worried over!
IV Do you know of any other who can wash you white as snow? Do you go the way that mother always wanted you to go? If you think it out, my brother, you will have to answer ‘NO’! —It’s you he’s worried over!
V Do you realize that Satan has a Jack on which to roast Your immortal soul, a prey tan-talizing all his host He will get you if you wait an’ blaspheme the Holy Ghost —It’s you he’s worried over!
VI There is weeping, there is wailing, there is gnashing of the teeth There are red hot spikes impaling the damned souls from down beneath Brother, join us who are sailing on toward the victor’s wreath. —It’s you he’s worried over!
VII O my brother, it would please us if you came to God to-night You have sinned & it would ease us if we knew you were all right O my brother, come to Jesus & get him to make you white —It’s you he’s worried over!
VIII O if only you repented of your black iniquities If you only came with bent head before Jesus on your knees Satan would be circumvented, God would heal Sin’s leprosies —It’s you he’s worried over!
IX He would save you & not damn, he would call you wheat, not chaff To the Marriage of the Lamb, he would bid you come & laugh; You would be one of the family & eat Fatted Calf —It’s you he’s worried over!
X When God sounds the gong for supper wash your sins off in the Fount Of the Blood His Son gave up, erasing sins on Calv’ry’s Mount Jesus counters with an uppercut & Satan take the count —It’s you he’s worried over!
XI The first round was fought in Eden, Adam K.O. through the ropes God thought Jesus might succeed in doing better than them Popes Nigger Satan’s skill & speed an’ Science outed our White Hopes —It’s you he’s worried over!