Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 19 September 1923



Die Mercury


6.30 a.m. M. Trondecul thinks he is an important person. Draft to M. Tron.


Depuis trois semaines Ia sonnette de la chambre 47 ne functionne plus. On a demande plusiers fois Ia reparation: rien a faire.

Il y a plus. M. Trondecul s’amuse a ne plus saluer Monseigneur quand il le recontre-et cela avec une prossierite que Monseigneur lui-meme la remarque-lui, qui dans son absorption n’est conscient que rarement de ce qui se passe autour e lui.

Je trouve que rien n’excuse une telle stupidite. S’il y a matiere de querelle, qu’on s’explique; mais dans ce cas meme, Ia politesse ne nuit pas a rien.


6.35 a.m. Dionysus & the averse .


Everything he possesses is to be taken from him systematically during 31 days: sometimes with open violence, beating him; sometimes secretly. He is to be kept in a state of constant annoyance by this means. (This includes clothes when he wants to go out, etc.) He is to be watched for reactions, & his psychology used to drive the lesson home. Let him be surprised as much as may be. The usual record is to be kept, with extreme care, this being a test case. He is also to learn by heart & repeat 8 times daily in public during the month:


I have been a thief.

They know I was a thief.

They will say I have stolen things, even when I have not.

They will watch me when I am not looking.

They will catch me in the act.

They will lock me up.

I will not be a thief any more.


(Note by 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]) Any more criminal method than this I cannot conceive of. A.C. must certainly have been quite crazy when he wrote this.


