Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 21 October 1923



2.32 a.m. Completed the Comment on Chapter I.


Tired all day, but not as much as I expected, especially as I did not sleep all night.


Notes on CCXX. I. (Written after 2.32 a.m., Sunday, 21st October). Goes into seventy verses a - sections. Very well indeed, Section I corresponding to a; Section XII to L, etc., not too strainedly.


Verse 1. Aleph! (Hebrew) Had and Nuit two forms of Zero.     2, 3, 4. Beth.     5-7. Gimel.     Mesla.     8-9 Daleth.     10-11 Tzaddi Emperor.     12-13 Vau Taurus Cow of Heaven house of Venus.     14-18 Zain Lovers, 666 and G.W.     19. Cheth 418.     20-24 Teth.     25-26 Yod Virgo and Mercury?     27-31 Kaph ? Atu X.     32-38 Lamed Libra, The Law.     39 Mem  ?  Lamed.     40 Nun.     41-44 Samekh Sin - XIV.     45-48 Ayin Perfect Nothing.     49-50 Pe New Aeon smashed Old.  ?     51 He=XVII.  Qoph Ordeals 3 in 1.     52 — First half of 53.  Resh Palace 4 gates. Second half 53-55. Shin XX, Love and Judgment.     56 Tan.     57-58 Aleph, Child, etc.     59-60 Beth May form, etc.     61 Gimel II ?     62-63 Daleth Venus.     64 Tzaddi Aries ?     65 Vau Taurus. See 12-15.     66-67 Zain.     68-69 Cheth Moon in Cancer. Pretty fair: try with more care. Use Atu, not letters or Yets: Sign.


Verses 1-4. Aleph, 0-2.     5-7. Beth, The Word, Magus.     8-9. Gimel.     12-13 Dalth. 1, o Met.     14-18 2-4 I. House. Magus. Mercury. Number.     19 He. 5 II Isis Initiation.     10-11     IV.     Emperor.     33-40 Lamed.     12-13     V.     41-Half-42. Mem. 14-18     Lovers Half 42-44. Nun     19. VII     418.     46-49 Samekh Ayin. 20-23 1/2 x 1 666 and Nuit.     50 Pe     25 1/2-26     IX Virgo = Yod = seed     27-32. X, Wheel, Jupiter.     33-40 VIII   Justice, Law.     41-43 XII, XIII, Hanged Man = Restriction, Death.     44. XIV Temperance, Pure Will Formula.


45-49     XV The Devil i.e.,


50 XVI The Blasted Tower, Aeon of Horus.     51. XVII. The Star, Purifying to Nuit.     52. XVIII. 4 Gates of Sun and quarters of Moon.     XIX Silver Moon, Gold Sun. Lapis Moon, Jasper Sun. Emblems of Death Moon and Sun.     52. XIX Sun Goodly, Fine apparel, Rich food and wine.     53-54-55 XX. The Angel, Last Judgment. Shin = Spirit and Fire = Last "dire judgments".     56 XXI Universe, Fixed, "change not, etc."     58 from Aum. I. Beth, Words sacred. Mercury = 666 a Magus.     59 II. "Invoke me" Path of Gimel.     59 From "Nor" III "love and love", "dove" etc.     60 from "He" IV Aries, "Fortress" of Mars = XVI.     61 V. 666 as Hierophant.     62-63 VI. Lovers, Nuit = Men/     64 to end VII Chariot. Nuit understood (3) through Cancer.


Good: provided Chapters II and III follow.


