Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 24 October 1923
Hail unto Kephra-Ra! Performed Midnight Adoration by some Phallic crumbling mass on the far west side of a narrow inlet of the Chott. Camped shortly after 1 a.m. on a sort of a Junior Dune—its banks and braes were exceptionally bonny. Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] stuck to it gamely all along, though very tired indeed toward the end. She slept at once almost: I from 1.40 about to 3 or so and again 3.20 to 4.44 circa. Sand very cold: also air towards morning. M[ohammed], A[lostrael] and I kept fairly warm by firing Halfa tufts: she by many layers of cloth, poncho, etc.
Brekker [breakfast], cooked by me, about 5.45. Soup, grilled sardines, toast, dates, coffee. Started back 6.45. Very tired: very slow. Reached Oasis just before 11, and slept after coffee and cake, till 3.30 circa (bar odd waking for Noon Adoration, etc.) Fed like hogs till after 5. Started back 5.20 circa. First cafe 5.40, and hotel 6.20. Both tired, but feel absolutely A.1. (Sun enters Scorpio 11.51 a.m. Tunis Time.)