Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 26 October 1923



1.20 a.m. Hail unto Keph-Ra! at Midnight: then a long meditation on Modes of Death and such matters.      Asana hints at the Great Secret of Death (from one point of view). The pain and restriction, after increasing up to a point, suddenly disappear. One experiences the extreme relief of knowing that one is not bound (as hitherto supposed, even if spiritually and intellectually freed from the delusion) to that painful and corruptible Restriction. (Cf. further Liber 418, 2nd Æthyr, pp 152-154 also from 9th Æthyr, p. 103, Par[agraph] 1 in brackets). Note that this is not wholly a matter of Initiation: the profane often find that the struggle is resolved in peace. The phenomena pf Pranayama throws still further light on the problem. These considerations all tend to explain CCVV, I, 58; for it is the "Fulfilment in Nuit" which gives the absence of motion (peace, rest) necessary to the experience of one's self as homogenous and infinite. (CCXX uses the word "death" in a very strange way: in apparently incompatible senses, for one thing. All this needs careful and inspired analysis.)


2 a.m. I continue my meditation.


6.50 a.m. Long elaborate dreams. Awakened by Mohammed [ben Brahim] at moment of sunrise. Adoration.


OPUS[1] I. of G.M.R. [Great Magical Retirement]

M[ohammed] b[en] B[rahim]   ....666. Operation A.1. Elixir A.1.


Object: Physical Energy in perfect Freedom. Apparently great success as to the "Freedom": my whole attitude has now become Positive and quite fearless. (There is a reference to possible—alleged—physical constraint in the matter and II, 22). Concentration unusually good.


7.18 a.m. I have thought of Nephthys as the source of Nefta; but what of Kneph? (The winged egg and 555).


(Note on Op[us] I. I am full of the Energy required at once the question is, will is last?)


10 p.m. Have got through day nicely on 3 aq.—no trouble at all. B U T :—Telegram from — ? — (signed MUDD [Norman Mudd]— unintelligible. (Tunisia Telegraphs have made a great miss about CCXX, I, 54.) Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] should not have given it to me at all. Yet it is as well that I should warn Frater O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] once for all that he is dangerously excited mentally and will become definitely insane (legally speaking) unless he can control and slow down his Chittam. Further, he has ruined all chance of my important magical Operation intended for to-night; also, it has upset Alostrael badly, convincing her (rationally or not) that O.P.V. is in severe financial distress. (A copy of this ought to be sent to Frater O.P.V.)


1—Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.

