Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 4 November 1923



Worked till 1.30 a.m.


Now 4.30 a.m. : woke with memory of earlier dream in which I was composing an elegiac couplet beginning "Stirps hominum, venere qups hie" (?).


1.15 p.m. Leah [Leah Hirsig] so much better that she threw a book at me and I gave her a Big Wallop and she cried a lot afterwards. (i. Well —— "Daisy Miller")


6.30 p.m. Both rather depressed all day. I a touch of rheumatism; Bab of fever. A tired-out feeling—"all-overish" or nearly so. Result of bad weather of last four days, at a guess.


