Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 7 November 1923



Both of us rather feeble, probably reaction from yesterday's very long walk.


6.20 p.m. Sunset Meditation.


If O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] instead of squabbling about my lax use of technical terms, had given his mind loyally to rewriting my Essay on the Principal of Carnet as I earnestly begged him to do on several occasions, we should be six months nearer to the establishment of the Aeon. That Essay implies the discovery of an energy of a higher order than any now known. It will supplant entirely such gross forms of energy as can be developed from water and wind power or the combustion of wood, wind, coal and oil. Its discovery will therefore annihilate at a stroke the economic and therefore the political power of miners, iron-workers and the like. (These are the classes that give trouble). They will be compelled to go back to till the soil which is in accordance with my programme of destroying universal "education" and the canned food hygiene and other poisons to the biological basis of homo sapiens. From the nature of this power (see essay), the only people able to use it will be those who have learnt to control and still their minds and at least to some extent, who have succeeded in developing the consciousness beyond self-consciousness. See essay again for an outline of the conditions of the appearance of new elements of the order of therium. I should not be surprised if the recent developments in the evolution of my own consciousness resulted suddenly in the birth of this new element with its fulminating energy.


 6.35 p.m. I noticed the other day an interesting example of the extravagant extent reached by journalistic exaggerations. In fact I cannot find a word adequate to describe the state of mind and linguistic impotence of the modern booster. He wanted to describe a new air-ship somewhat larger than usual and proceeded to give particulars of what he called its super-dimensions. Comment is quite impossible.


7. p.m. O.P.V.'s insistence on the dichotomy of 93. This answers Seabrooke's [William Seabrook] criticism completely.


9.45 p.m. circa. OPERA[1] VIII & IX.    . . . 666.


Operations: Excellent. E1: D[itt]o. Object: As VII, but Consecration by Fire. During a storm of lightning and thunder—toward West. Before 1 a.m., Thursday it struck Nefta, wild and furious with heavy rain: I hope it belongs to the Opus.


10.30 p.m. Mem[o]: to introduce a low to suppress all languages which immodestly insist on sexual differences by the use of two or more genders.



1—Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.


