Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 16 November 1923



[the beginning of the entry is missing]


. . . should do an XI° if convenient.


Asana and Pranayama are suggested by line 1 and the Air Trigram. The fish in line II and line IV suggest an invocation of Mercury. Line V indicates meditation in silence. Line VI the keeping off of any influence. Line V Invoke Aiwass vigorously. Line VI—Appendix II—suggests that I should go “all out” i.e., on “Der Tage.” Kau suggests that I should accept any unexpected suggestion. Kau is Sol in Leo = invoke Aiwass.


1.26 p.m. I will go out this p.m. find a quiet place in the Desert and invoke Tahuti, Horus, by original Cairo Ritual slightly revised, and Liber Samekh. I will also do a little Pranayama and meditation with an XI° if possible; if not, after dinner. Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] can do rituals to help me and a Vision this P.M. if she feels able. At night I will retire about 10 p.m., meditate if I cannot sleep. In any case, be seated at my table (everything prepared before dark) as last month. (I am a little worried about the question of robing, wondering whether it will be unpleasantly cold at that hour. Alostrael’s advice is to wear the Phoenix robes which she thinks will be warm enough.


1.35 a.m. I ask a message for my work as I did last month. K of K. No: II. Simply regard myself as the Womb for Hadit to impregnate. Depend upon Aiwass. Don’t be discouraged by a bad start. Attend to the Ritual prescriptions strictly. Holding enthusiasm yet maintain it. Line IV—Image of the Sealed Womb. Line V—XI° will help greatly. Line VI—as Line V. General:—Conquer by weakness and passivity.


 Magical Apparatus:—

Phoenix Robes.

11-fold Star.

Forehead Lamen—Uriel



Cup—(Ring, Wine—bottle, etc.)

Pantacle—MS, AL, Virgin Book

Lamp—11-fold Star.



Altar—occasional table.

Watch to measure time,

Drawing instruments to measure Space.


4.18 p.m. In garden with 667 [Leah Hirsig] and Bigla Sem. Before starting I made twice the Invocation of Tahuti, and once that of Samekh.


4.30 p.m. Inv[ocation of] Horus by Cairo Ritual, followed by First Call to give 667 Vision to help me for the Work.


4.53 p.m. Finished this.


4.55 p.m. Sunset Adoration.


5. p.m. 667 enters Vision. She invokes 93 by (triangle—upward pointing) as taught. (Sign broken up by interfering symbols.)


“Are you going?” Aries (in answer to “Instructions for work?”)


“Are, etc. ------now?”


Means “We are glad!”.


How shall 667 help? “I’ll cut up here”? “I’ll appeal for good help.


“Continue for G.” G repeated and emphasized. G means? Zain[Hebrew] Zain E, etc. Confused symbols. ?IX° or XI° 4.


666: “Concentrate and get what seems to be your own idea, through full Union with Him”. 667 tries this


5 Fuck 6


Sit and write: if Voice comes, well; if not, go on.


5.18 p.m. She returns; we make tea.


6.14 p.m. OPUS[1] XII 666. Operation: Normal. Elixir: D[itt]o. Object: the Work of Moon conjunction Uranus.


7 p.m. 667 had an attack of nausea quite suddenly on the way back to Nefta: this went on at intervals for a long time.


8.20 p.m. She could eat no dinner, and was sick again all the way upstairs. The attack is evidently magical in origin. It may be the price of her bad spell of Wednesday [sign for Mercury]; or it may be an attempt of the enemy to spoil the Orgia [Greek] of this Occultation. Especially as she takes the symbol


5 Fuck 6


to be an instruction to me to work a IX° with her for its success. She is at the present moment unthinkable as a partner in IX°, being an invalid calling for paternal—or even avernal, nay ancestral!—care and tenderness.


I will go out to the Café at 8.45, see how Mohammed ben Brahim’s sickness is going, and return early in order to get everything ready for the . . .


11.20 p.m. All made ready. Have spent the last hour or so correcting my vellum AL Cap: II from the MS. Several striking points!


11.30 p.m. AL II, 76 disposes of O.P.V.’s [Norman Mudd] criticism that all ways of setting forth the Law except that in III.39 would be paralyzed by the Chiefs.


II, 76. 4638 = 6 x sphigz [Greek] = The Sphinx of the Six. AB = Father ? AB-K = Thy Father. K = Jupiter. 24 = (root of) 4 The Elders (He whom I love; He who loves me: Astrolabe: Angel of “Cups”). ALGMOR ? AI—Gmor The Moon. 3 = Gimel[Hebrew] = The Moon Y ? = Virgo = The Virgin Moon. X ? Multiplication Sign or X[Greek] = 60 = Samekh = Atu XIV.






311               89 The Black Brothers—Restriction, etc.



1—Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.


