Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 29 December 1923



Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The Magical Record of ΤΟ ΜΕΓΑ ΘΗΡΙΟΝ

9º = 2o   AA





Continued on board S.S. Gouverneur General Grevy


AN XIX Sol in Capricornus Luna in die Saturn. 5.0 P.M. in the Harbour of Tunis.


Die Saturn.


 5.0 P.M. The G[ouverneur] G[eneral] G[revy] prepares to leave Tunis for Marseille. Numerous “coincidences” (?) have made it practically necessary for me to take this journey, starting a new current

[I Ching Hexagram I] (symbol chosen in Nefta at the end of my G.M.R. [Great Magical Retirement]) of the G.W. [Great Work] [sign of Venus inverted]. It has been made convenient and comfortable for me to do this, while all other plans became impossible or at the best extremely awkward. I propose to proceed at once to the Victorious City (Nice) to see my old friend Frank Harris. It may be that Ra Hoor Khuit will make it easy to me the abstruction from the ill-ordered house there. In fact, I rather look to be shewn what this word abstruction means.


