Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 12 January 1924



Die Saturn.


Hail unto Kheph Ra!


2.45 A.M. Can’t sleep: ideas thronging


(a) What about an Oath not to write anything new till I write the Comment?


(b) To save Paris from floods. Erect a series of powerful Windmills to drive paddles to churn the stream out to sea. The gales which bring the bad weather would guarantee the driving power required. Q[uer]y: how to make this pay me? Ask Paris to offer so much down if my idea is accepted? And the Grand Croix of the Legion for him that saveth a city!


(c) to raise 10,000 fr[ancs] to restore O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] to his personal comforts.


(d) improvements in T.S.F. [French radio]. (1) Compacter receiver. Flat lamps. Closer Packing. Thinner material. “Built like a gum (---)” (2) Transm[itter] and receiver in one. (3) dodges for using (d) to raise capital e.g. spiritualism.


9.50 P.M. Woke 8.30 and again 11.11 to order. Thus met Cook’s man—the assnz [assassins] here had mailed my urgent special delivery letter!


4 - 7.30 with R.G. Good schemes, Roger Bacon’s head etc. Hope for N.A. campaign.


10 P.M. The Brazen Head


See Goetia p. 31 p 2. Belial entered into an Image of Brass and gave answers unto them that did sacrifice unto Him, and did worship the Image as their God.


Belial is the 68th Spirit: a King mighty and powerful, created next after Lucifer, as they pretended; yet evidently before God, since His Nature is to deny God. He appeareth in the form of Two Beautiful Angels seated in a Chariot of Fire. He speaketh with a Comely Voice, saying that he “fell” first from among the worthier sort, that were before Mikhael and other heavenly Angels. Is est: He was the leader of the “Old Nobility” who resisted the usurpation of the upstart Jehovah. His office is to distribute presentations Senatorships etc. and to cause favour of friends and of foes.


He giveth excellent familiars and gifts, and he will not speak the truth. Nor even so, unless constrained by the Will of the Exorcist.


His Sigil is this:



His number is 73, that of a Magus. In many other respects, also, He is mine own especial ΔΑΙΜΩΝ. Let me therefore cause men to pay honour to Him, as unto a Great King!


The Considerations concerning this Procedure of Art Magick aforesaid.


1. Let there be a Temple wrought in Ninefold Disposition, as Luna is a House of Sol, and He combineth these Natures.


2. There shall be therein a Magical Circle for the Image of Brass wherein He may enter and abide, receiving Offerings, and giving Answers; Sacrifices, and bestowing Favours.


3. There shall be a Magical Triangle wherein the Worshipper or Postulant may kneel, whereas he would adore and consult or beseech Him.


4. Within the Circle shall be an Altar of open bras work, but its top a [late of thin Iron. (For Iron is of Mars, who marrieth with Brass, Copper, Bronze, or Orichalcum of Venus)


5. Upon this Iron shall be deeply engraven the Sigillum of Belial, with the Names, Forms, Numbers, and other Symbols thereunto appropriate.


6. Into the lines of this Graving aforesaid shall be fitted the Base of the Image of this No-God Belial.


7. This Image shall be of molten Bronze after the fashion of the Head of a Man such as the Magus TO MEGA THERION shall by His Art devise, design, model, and execute in Red and Yellow Wax.


8. Within the circle, as a Veil upon the Brass Work of the Altar, shall be a certain membrane invisibly virtuous in this kind that the High Pontifex of the ΔΑΙΜΩΝ albeit distant by a league and leagues and half a league from the Imago, shall hear clearly all sounds within the Circle. And within the Imago itself shall be contrived by the Art Magick of Reginaldus de Gouraldus an Organ of Speech, so that the Magus or Pontifex may be able to reply to the Postulant, or to direct that which shall be done before the Circle.


9. Upon the circle shall be a Censer and Offertory together with a Vessel of Pure Water.


10. The Temple shall be directed by a Virgin Priestess dedicated to the Service of the ΔΑΙΜΩΝ. She shall in her Office receive gifts and sacrifices, purify and consecrate the Postulant, shewing forth unto him how rightly he may attain to that which he seeketh. To aid Her, a young boy as Warder of the Portal.


11. And so may all GO to the Establishment of the Law of Thelema, and of the Kingdom of Heru-Ra-Ha!


The Temple



11.30 P.M. And who should turn up but Leon Engers Kennedy ! ! ! Rolling in millions! ! ! !  Wonders will never cease (I am so overwhelmed that I have to take refuge in such platitudes!)


