Aleister Crowley Diary Entry circa February 1924
All these dialogues [daydreams] so vivid as to be practically audible: and I am reminded of writing down AL. But at that time there were no circumstances soever at all likely to account for any hallucinations . Save this! Rose [Rose Kelly] and I had on our programme, high up, a visit to Frater I.A. [Allan Bennett] in his Kyoung at Rangoon (or Akyab—I had not seen him since he had formally joined the Sangha). Returned to Colombo from Hambantota January 1904: I got a lesion on my tongue—origin unknown—and a vision of Lady Scott and Countess Russell at the Galle Face Hotel.
My idea (in writing the note) that the poison which had attacked my tongue also attacked (later) my sensorium, thus causing hallucinations, similar to those of tonight, in March-April '04.
[side note] This does no more than suggest the mechanism of hearing Aiwass. But then that point has always irked me, I being so free naturally from anything [ . . .] of the kind.