Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 16 February 1924
[In Norman Mudd's hand]
General symbol for Linden and how to deal with him. [I Ching hexagram] Water of Earth. No XXXI. His sympathetic interest once set in motion could rebuild our fortunes. Be very careful not to press or talk. A single syllable too much might be fatal. The scheme should be represented to him as worthy, amusing, and ultimately profitable. I must touch the right note at the start and this to arouse those feelings of which such a man is capable. Good-fellowship and a love for art are the principle ingredients.
[this ends Mudd’s handwriting]
Advocatus diabolic must win some cases, or the office would be a farce. Therefore Divine Justice sometimes errs, or the Devil is sometimes right.
[In Norman Mudds’s hand]
General symbol for Rousseau Voorhies and how to deal with him. [I Ching hexagram] No. XII Phallus of Yoni. Pa and Ma no intercourse. Quite useless unless he gets the trance of sorrow and I am called in to initiate him. Should that happen great success might follow.
General symbol for Goldsmith and how to deal with him. [I Ching hexagram] No. 47 Water of Moon. He must help us on his own terms which might be hard. Those terms should not be refused but great sincerity, prudence, and caution are essential, and we must be careful to avoid the repetition of former errors.
[this ends Mudd’s handwriting]