Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 19 February 1924





3.0 A.M. Tried to sleep from 2 A.M. circa. Now seized with violent coughing. Attempts to cut it short lead to (a) clogging of the nostrils with Lactose (b) narcotization—headache, short spell of phantasm-haunted sleep (Confused ideas of writing this report shewn by images, at the time culminated rationally identical.)


At 8.30 the attacks culminated in retching, bilious vomiting, and a light diarrhea. I am left exhausted, and with the hopeless feeling that I can never be well enough again to have the rest of my operation done.


7.15 P.M. I wish I were well enough to paint, and had technique sufficient to make a very large canvas of Mudd [Norman Mudd] Sweeping through the gates of the New Jerusalem Washed in the Blood of the Lamb!


10.30 P.M. Last night drafted a letter to Aimée [Aimée Gouraud]—part in cipher—on a page with several other notes. O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] (or rather H.L.A. Mudd) mailed this to her without my knowledge. I forgot his explanations: but they tended to try to persuade me that he was acting in good faith! ! ! My reason has proclaimed the General Strike—but, what can I do about it? The only way is to purge him systematically of his grossness and so rid the HLA of its physical basis.


10.40 P.M. Last night I found out what the Comment on AL really is: a well-thought-out plan of the Thelemic social order.


