Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 17 March 1924
die Luna.
Slept more of the night than usual, but woke early, very tired and depressed. Not one word from Mudd [Norman Mudd] in a whole week.
Heard from [J. C.] Crawford yesterday: answered to-day. Wrote 40pp "The Soliloquy of King Henry VI" this afternoon. Was too much tired and distressed even to try to get up. I am slowly wearing down to nothing. Without energy to approach Frank Harris as intended. In my weakness I seem to have a morbid craving for hope. Even a hint of good news would help me enormously; and I am really so low that I wonder whether I should not be apathetic to bad news! I am in the hands of the Gods. But I want to live and do Their work with full energy.
(Madame Bourcier is ill again, too: that is upsetting the hotel and that helps to upset me. I really feel utterly rotten.)