Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 7 April 1924
die Luna 7th.
Hail unto Kheph Ra!
12.35 A.M. Woke from weird dream—mostly Mountain-climbing. NO cough.
11 A.M. Slept right through till 8.10 Got up—drew curtains—went straight off to sleep again till 10 A.M. ! !
2.45 P.M. Have written Chapter I "The Exiled God" pp 25-43.
5.35. Wrote Chap. II 44-46 1/2 and dictated 46 1/2-58 "The beggar-maid".
8.22 Wrote pp 58-67 finishing Chapter II. Will sup—Nina I [Nina Olivier], God bless her!—dropped in about 6 and lent us 20 francs—(that explains the supper) and read a letter from McCourt, and meditate the matter of Chapter III.
10.0. Have answered McCourt's letter—a sort of "Confession" of my Magical position. I feel very tired. Over 8000 words written in these two days.
10.10. It is really very curious how the Gods send first 50 francs from here, then 50 from there, then 20 from a third source—and so on. Prolonging the agony? Perhaps. Confirming my faith in them? Assuredly.
11.0. I meditate Chap III The Limits of the Limitless. Apologize first for depth. A. Begin by defining (the exiled) God. In what sense He creates the Universe. (His U[niverse] and the U. common to all men. Note: philosophy has failed to define this "real" U. This U1. God must be Unconscious: His U is omniform a 'continuum'. Any God can pick out any series but to the Whole all are indisinguishably alike). Analogy of stars. Suppose a boundless U.—need of some point to measure from. Any point will do. Each point gives diff[eren]t set of measurements of same U. All measurements alike 0 compared with ¥ of whole.
The Point of View. Two Gods in an infinite series. 418 and 1001.
418 says 500 > me etc.
1001 says 500 > me etc.
418 has qualities—even, div by 11 and 19 etc.
1001 has qualities—odd, div by 7, 11, 13
Comp[are] with series as whole, each is 0. Each .'. "in error" from standpoint of every other god, and of whole. Yet right, relatively, once he perceives this paradox, his error ceases. Simile of Children and Father.
Object of Limiting Godhead—to perceive. Nature of whole becomes apparent, though all measurement is illusion, as the God gains knowledge. Esp[ecially]; as he travels, the scheme seems to shift: that gives further knowledge of the dynamic structure of the U. With further knowledge, differences tend to disappear. The measurements cease to be unique. Also, Compensations cancel data. Finally, though the Whole can only be conceived as Naught, this is a conscious Naught composed of positive parts whereas before there was a negation of consciousness. The process therefore results in the perception of the Nature of existence. Now, in view of what that nature actually is, it becomes clear that no other method was possible. All this however is a function of the order of our own intelligences. Our Real Naught is thus still relative, in the light of some "Common U", which we can imagine as existing though it is not possible to gain any direct knowledge as to whether it exists. The argument for it is that in a U so vast as that we do perceive there should be room for types of intelligence whose laws are other than our own. The best of this theory is in fact that it leaves room for any number of others. Indeed, each P.O.V. seems to imply a peculiar structure of sensorium. Intolerance is an obvious error—like solipsism, wh[ich] it resembles.