Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 14 April 1924



Luna. Apr. 14 / 24.


11 A.M. War engine and some more. The only possibility of such things as inter-Stellar communication that I can see consists in a discovery of something which, like gravitation, produces acceleration and not velocity. For example: a repulsive force from which things would fly F-feet in the first second to 2 F4 in the second, 4f in the third.


12.55 P.M. The problem with prohibiting the sale of drugs is the problem in its simplest terms of the Baby and the Rembrandt. Would you rather have one more Kubla Khan or one more Mr. Coleridge?


6.58 P.M. What policy shall I adopt with regard to the Settlement Money? [I Ching Hexagram] No. VII K/Luna. SZE Conduct of military expedition.


Line 1. Be careful to observe correct procedure.

[Line] 2. Attend to the matter personally.

[Line] 3. Don't entrust it to delegates.

[Line] 4. Remember that retreat may serve as well as advance.

[Line] 5. Get rid of ill-feeling, misunderstanding etc.

[Line] 6. Appoint proper trustees.


