Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 30 May 1924
die Venus.
1.40 A.M. Discovered XI Sol = 619! ! Idea for Poem "When I wake". Shall I find myself a shooshok in the Potala, or ---- or ----- etc.
10 A.M. Two or three nights ago I had a sort of vision of the poultry here being ravaged. It was vague: I myself was the culprit in one part of it, playing a practical joke. Wednesday night a weasel got in and killed 8 goslings.
A Sick Man's Fancy. I dreamt that I was born as a tiny helpless human baby; but presently I grew up to be a man and loved and worked. Later still I grew old and fell sick and died. What a strange dream!
Maxims for Kings. A man's personal affairs matter nothing—least of all to himself.
Summer Sports No. 1. (Can be adapted for the other seasons by not changing anything.) Take on complete stranger, and get into casual conversation. From time to time, look up brightly at your accomplice, and say smartly "There he goes!" at some specially colourless remark of the victim. When challenged, show embarrassment and only admit after a severe struggle that the remarks in question have shewn their maker to be homosexual. Prove it to him by German methods at great length. Don't forget that should he say "I never did anything of the sort in my life", that clinches the argument beyond dispute. That is the very worst symptom of the deepest perversion.