Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 11 October 1924





The next fortnight is one long dream of ecstasy, punctuated by frantic telegrams for funds, and ditto from Alostrael [Leah Hirsig]. We have still (Oct 11) no real news as to what has happened in Paris!


We have had no small change to go out to Carthage etc, though we borrowed 200 fr[ancs]. from Aumont [Gerard Aumont]. Most of the time we have had to feed very expensively in the hotel. Aumont's loans came when we were down to below a franc etc. The Bank acknowledged our cable, and receipt of funds on Oct 2. Since then absolute silence! It is not worrying, but bewildering. The night of our arrival in Tunis we found the bed full of huge bugs. We killed a dozen at least. Astrid [Dorothy Olsen] went to sleep on the floor! In A.M. we complained—and there were no adequate traces of the corpora delicti! I feel sure they were just Qliphoth.




Folly. After 2 rebuffs, I found a jeweller to transform my 9º=2o ring into a Jewel for the Brows of Astrid. This Saturday night I bound it thereupon.


During dinner, between the times of getting the jewel and putting it on, a terrific storm burst. Whole city flooded; electric light twice out; and we had to wade home on foot.


Oct. 11.


Out to Carthage: walked via Grotto aux Mille amphores to Sidi bou Said. Home very tired. Kept the Feast of the Birth of Muhammed returned home. Astrid felt a Presence—calm, strong, and gentle—in the room, but could not place it. She put her Star on, and I struck the Bell. She instantly got ill: but could not attach it to any idea or form. I suddenly fell asleep.


