Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 12 October 1924



Oct 12 die Sunday.


Dawn-meditation as usual. Astrid [Dorothy Olsen] woke meditating the number 4 which she had seen last night in the window after I slept. It was as on Book 4, not 4.


The Electric lighting, water supply, (both h[ot] and c[old]) and the lift all have stopped!


Omen for desert journey VII  IV  15 "There rest, under the canopy of nights" -----


The Meteors (Oct 22.) Three so far. (1) Tunis seen by D.O. [Dorothy Olsen]. (2) Sfax-Tozeur seen by A.C. (3) Nefta. seen by both. They are very brilliant green, move horizontally low down (2 was between me and mountains—just before dawn) and point the way we are to go. The 3 Rainbows. 1. Chantilly—on getting away from Paris. 2. Sfax—on getting away from Tunis. 3. Desert—on getting away fr[om] Nefta.


