Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 20 October 1924



October 20, 1924.


1. Great Kings have always been guided by Magicians, from Arjuna and Krishna in India, Jubai and Mexicans in Ancient history, to Nicholas II and Rasputin.


2. The Tsar was dethroned almost immediately after he had abandoned Rasputin to his murderers.


3. In April 1904 I was chosen by the Secret Chiefs of the Magical Organization which supervises the affairs of this Planet to receive and proclaim the Law of the New Aeon.


I got the following permutation from my commission.

I 10, 36 and 38 (making note that scribe is 666) II 21 (compassion to the end), II 53, 38-60, 64, 65, 70-74. III 7, 8.


4. From the Winter Solstice 23 to the Spring Eq[uino]x 1924, I underwent a supreme initiation whose object was to fit me for undertaking this commission personally. At one period it was necessary for me to ascend from the most tenuous regions of pure air through a series of vast caverns so devised that nothing human could possibly pass through them into the regions of pure fire. To accomplish this it was necessary that I should be exhausted physically to the utmost point compatible with continued life. I was further furnished with a guide. This guide was a kind which I had never met before in the whole course of my explorations since 1898, of the worlds below the material. It was in the form of a Fox.[1]


I was very much on my guard against this Fox and it has only occurred to me within the last two days that the symbolism may have been chosen by the Secret Chiefs who oversaw my initiation in order to indicate to me that I was to take up my new work in cooperation with some other person with whom the idea of the Fox is connected. It is further very noticeable that the Chiefs have prevented me absolutely from carrying on my work on any of the former lines.


5. I am asking myself whether it is not to be that I am allowed to be the Magical Guardian of King Feadland with the object of restoring the [...] on the lines laid down in the Law of the New Aeon.



1—This symbol appears in the Yi King, the oldest and most mysterious book in the world. I am the only European with any comprehension whatever of even its divinatory meaning. It is also a frequent occurrence in Jap. Mag. short stories, which may be regarded as mere childish imitation of the Chinese wisdom. The Fox does not occur in Semitic, Scandinavian or Celtic Symbolism at all, as important.


