Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 25 October 1924



die Saturnus Oct 25.


Called on the Chef d'Annexe, Capt. ----------, a charming and intelligent man. Stories "The Sahara is full of sand". Ecole Primaire. Result: Citroen Chevilles broke up on hard road Touggurt-Ouargla! ! Col. Leboeuf left Gabes au avion for Eastern Erg: fell among dunes—debris found 2 or 3 years later. Gen[era]l Laperriue similarly, but far south in flat desert: found 2 months later. His 2 men survived.


Spent the evening with the Dancing Girls: also a boy, extraordinarily good—best I ever saw. Hotel here A.1. of its kind. Bar the Oasis itself, this place is far better than Nefta. Algeria, too: no more slavish Tunisian restrictions.


