Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 26 October 1924
die Sol. 26th.
A delightful day. Sunset from minaret wunderschon. Starlight and song in the garden cafe. "And the afternoon—and the night!" (N.B. The day after we got to Nefta there was a magical attack of flies—made Astrid [Dorothy Olsen] quite ill. Conquering the impulse to quarrel about it, we were totally free of them next day, though weather conditions were identical.)
die Sol. Sol in Scorpio conj. Luna.
El-Oued (lucus a non lucendo? or is there a subterranean river?) The essential difficulty of writing History is that the man who was there cannot possibly describe it. At least, he must be 8º = 3o to have a chance. So this record is likely to be as sketchy as Caesar's Commentaries.
Resume of journey from Tunis. On Tuesday Oct 14 our money difficulties cleared up suddenly and almost miraculously. (Manager Majestic [Hotel] had refused a British Money Order the week before—now cashed a personal cheque on N[ew] Y[ork]! But only just enough to go onward.
die Merc. 15th to Sfax and on .
Jupiter 16th. Arr[ived] Tozeur and Nefta.
Venus—Luna. Weather too bad to see Nefta properly—not our business!
die Mars 21st. Left Nefta in auto 6.0 A.M. arr Lookout Mountain (20 ft. high!) at 7.0 A.M. 7.30 Camel arrived. Started. 11-1.30 Lunch. 4-5 Tea. 6.35 P.M. Arr. Dordj-i-Shaoust-i-Yahoudi.
Wednesday 22nd To "Bordj Non-ce"! Up 5.15 A.M. Start 7.15 Lunch 11 - 1.40. Dunes-camp 4.40 P.M.
Thursday, 23rd. To Debilia. Up 4.15 A.M. Start 5.15 Lunch, just past Takel el-Khalifa. 11.15. On 2.20. In 4.30 P.M.
Friday to El-Oued. Start 7.45. Behama (village 10-10.20) Lunch 11.0 - 1.45. In (taking it easy) 5.30 P.M.