Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 7 November 1924
Friday 7th to Ferdjane.
Start 7.15 sunrise. Killed viper.
9.40 Bir Badthe [?].
11.0 Halt till noon. Wind freshening all the time: from W towards N. In 2.5
The dunes flattened out at once: much scrub and big bushes till close to bordj when big dunes start again. Bordj very finely situated among the dunes near a Landmark (I spotted the place from very far away: two faint dots interpreted correctly).
Note. 2 days before leaving Tunis, invoked Djinn to take me to Desert. Offered as sacrifice "the first auto-chenille Tozeur—Touggourt. It was duly wrecked—so we are square.
1—Crowley performs a magical sexual operation with Dorothy Olsen.