Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 22 November 1924
die Saturn. Nov. 22.
Shall I intervene in the affair of the S.E. [Sunday Express] in such sense as indicated by my meditation. [I Ching Hexagram] XIV Ta Yu Sol/Ph. No: wait for "Great Resources" to materialize. Expect definite help from "Heaven" see 11.4 and 6 also 5 "Remain aloof in majesty".
2.30 P.M. Dorothey [Dorothy Olsen] tells me that the trouble she had between El Oued and Touggourt and thought mere diarrhoea with a little casual blood has become very bad in the last 3 or 4 days. She "feels the ulcers bursting inside" her. She has "lost a pint of blood this morning". "All doctors are quacks—except Dr. Brown of Pau" "I'm quite well—only I must have no meat or alcohol". I pointed out that she had not avoided these things. "Well, perhaps I have a good reason for that" ------ "I've been dead for the last 8 years, anyhow". She claims this to be a return of her old trouble, alleged (a) haemorrhoids (b) ulcers in rectum (c) polyps in rectum—for which she was operated 5 years ago. She says that (b) and (c) were unsuspected until she was on the operating table, an examination, even digital, of the rectum being impossible on account of its abnormal natural narrowness.
Dec. 9 die Mars.
Hammam Meskoutine.
The above entry sounds formidable. Yet the trouble cleared up completely in 2 days by merely cutting out meat coffee and alcohol.