Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 26 January 1925
26 Jan [19]25.
8.33 p.m. Miss H. (Object) [I Ching] Hex[agram] 40 (Fire of Moon). Barron [William Barron] the scribe.
In a room, large, [illegible], white, nearly square. A plain house in the country with mountains covered with pine trees in summer. Nothing singing in the woods.
Many rooms, about 31 or 32 would like 31 rooms. In a large hall, tiled floor, square tiles, diamond shaped green tiles, flat roof. Daylight in the hall thru' long windows, [illegible] type with small panes. Hall is empty. All doors are shut; doors of white wood. No one to answer a call. Can't open a door.
Can't get thro the door. All dark. Don't know whether it is night. Can't say if an enclosed space. Very black, no shape, lots of room. I get a feeling of being in the open—a forest or field—at night. Like grass under foot. Level. All dark, don't know whether anything is living. Walk in grass. Would like a natural light, sunlight, not quite certain, if sunlight, the moon out to be more natural.
8.46 (Object) [I Ching] Hex[agram] 36 (Phallus of Sun) (Dorothy Olsen the scribe)
Golden rosy light rather muddy colored. Seems to have a dark centre, catches only a part of centre. Centre seems to be made of air. Water at the bottom—still water with scarcely a ripple. Seems close but a mist in the foreground. Can't see anyone. Extends upwards—can't see through the mist.
A golden eagle thru the mist but vanished. Mist remains but cannot see eagle. Dark blue circle edges crimson orange with a touch of yellow (Peacock blue probably) Seems to be a disk. Sees a scorpion or a beetle. Reminds one of an Egyptian beetle—not distinctly. Bluish green spot in centre—rosy mist—mist takes a spiral whirl in the centre away from him. An open eye with 2 or 3 eyelids but eye extends outside of vision—eyelids keep on extending. Another small one comes and enlarges the other Blue eye with red fire triangle apex upwards. On the left a poplar tree. Sees a rosiness with clouds. Tree in leaf and good condition. Tree sinking downwards. Goes down with tree like going down a ladder but slowly as if slowly settling down.
Symbol triangle pointing downwards half moon with crescents inside completing the triangle. Seems to be fire in the centre of it. Tree vanishes, rosy mists remain.
Trees in centre fixed—appears to be fixed but is sinking again. Doesn't appear to be same tree, perhaps a plant. Only sees top of tree. Tree slightly coming up, may not be a tree but clouds. Rather dark—not dark. 9.25.
9.45 - 9.40 Miss H. (Barron the scribe)
A lot of perpendicular light, a dark place, like searchlights from the sky. In a dark place, not a house. Can see water, a lot of water like a lake. Am as if on a cliff overlooking the ocean after sunset. Nothing moving. High cliff, steep rocky. Dark rocks flat cliff, top quite bare. Getting darker like evening no one visible. Lots of clouds. Two people way down where the water is, look like two women, human, Can't see their colour, hardly anything on, bare feet, going fast as if running or skipping. The vision has gone. Can see the searchlights again. Oh a perfect yellow triangle pointing downwards, nothing in the middle, Can't get thru but it seems like fire, Lots of flame comes from nothing. Blue, dark blue round triangle. The other side of the triangle is a silvery light, now gray, misty. That's gone. Can't see anything except the streaks of light. They appear like an afterglow of fire.
9.50 [I Ching] Hex[agram] 61 (Air of Water). (Dorothy Olsen the scribe)
Dull muddy color—surface nearly flat. Earth but a slight movement in it. An occasional streak of blue, not suggesting air. Not a plain but plain is as near as he (presumably Barron, T) can get to it. On the right a square of light slowly fading out to right. Seems like a night sky with clouds. Probably not a plain, but cloud land. Clouds seem fixed. No people but may be birds there. Trying to imagine himself in an aeroplane going through the clouds. Nothing happens, but they move slowly.
Inverted cross with two bars at top. Suggested a Chinese character, not an object. An inverted hammer pointing downwards. Not a ship mast, too tall. 4 crescents with small yellow opal in centre. Appears to be someone in long clothes apparently on a camel. Yellowish green camel—forest behind—night-light appeared to be an artificial light, not of a fire. In far distance very minutely images of a Catholic Saint. Tower, single window but vanished in the clouds—not blackness but a curious dull brown. Feeling of slight movement about it. Getting to a pyramid, someone on it. Reminds him of 15th trump in Tarot. Disappears and can't get him again. Seemed to be friendly. No reply but sees the top of a church tower, probably not a pyramid but a cone. Someone seems to be there but can get no response. No displeasure—no shock apparently but can't get him. Seems too vague to get to. Changes to darkness now. Much darker than before.