Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 27 January 1925
Jan 27
Dorothy Olsen [Soror Astrid the scribe]
8.15. Object investigated Yi King [I Ching] Hexagram Moon of Sun. 63.
[William Barron probably the seer] Rather dark—nearly pitch dark but darker at the bottom. Above a wood, darkness at bottom seems to be the tops of trees—other darkness seems like the sky—suggestion of red as if there were a fire in the wood.
Can't get down into the wood. Seems a large pine forest but several tree have flat tops, others pointed tops. Maybe a prince seeking a princess who has been spirited away by a wicked Jinn. Coat of gold, scarf of purple or crimson. Carries a pair of revolvers in his belt with six shots—and a rifle with five shots in the magazine and one in the barrel.
Hopes to see the Princess shortly. She has a silver moon on her breast crescents upwards and is dressed in white silk. Seliman Abdul name of prince.
8.55 Nearly complete darkness. Clouds come up, trying to follow clouds. Trying to imagine himself in an egg or circle—darkness remains—no forms distinguishable, but there seems to be a slight movement away from him. Slight suggestion of rays occasionally. Seems to be something like a moon behind the clouds. Appears to see a sacred beetle blacker than the surrounding black. Cannot move without effort.
Sees Vesica Piscis with a red light in centre. Vision reminds of a picture of a Catholic Saint. He was small—far away—from the head and shoulders rays of light radiating upwards. Seemed to be sitting. Reminded of the Emperor of the Tarot. Arms out to the side of the chair.
Gets the outline of the Vesica nearer. Suggestion of a figure with eyes of fire like one of the Indian pictures of demons. A black demon. Steadiness his main virtue.
Miss H. the seer. Barron the scribe. Object [I Ching] Hexagram 50. Sun of Air.
In a dark room. Can't tell anything about it. Can see a lot of lights. Lights in darkness. I am walking along a dark country road with a wall on one side only. A long, long wall. The road is straight as far as I can see. It is getting lighter as I walk. Now daylight. Fine weather. There are trees—look like maple—On the other side a big farm house with outbuildings of wood. Working men outside house. They say they are working on the farm. They are gone.
Am walking round to find the door, it is locked. I have unlocked it and am in an empty hall. A stairway and 4 doors. Am in a big square room with 3 windows. I think no one lives in the house. Am on the road again but it is raining. There is a field on the other side of the road, something—grain perhaps—is growing. About 3 or 4. There's no one in the field. It is raining hard. It is too wet in the field. I don't like it. Am too far from the house to go there. I now see cows, a whole lot of cows; all different kinds of cows.
9.45 Crowley the scribe. Object Water of Phallus ([I Ching] Hex[agram] 43)
Black sky. Colours. Pointed trees. Clouds. Sky, muddy film v slight. Rainbow-like bars—curves of green and violet. V[ery] Black cat suggestion. (Pussy) Mary. (Won't stray). Gaps of lighter colour in midst—greyish. Figure of stage ghost floats 100 yards off. Head of cupid floats away. (All seem to float—) Man on horse raised sword. Blue crown, red yellow rays, Shield with cross of equal arms. Sculpture. Chinese character (?) = woman with umbrella, man with stick to hit her.
Lots of other symbols. Black daisy or tulip. Head of greek god, leaves on head laurel. Speed is his name not Hermes the young Zeus. (It's really Dionysius, 666) 10.7 p.m.