Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 28 January 1925
Jan 28
7.50 P.M. (Object 10 of coins [Tarot].) (Dorothy Olsen the scribe)
A place with sky—not very dark. No landscape, a pure sky darker at bottom. An astral sky. A break in sky. Going through a long distance. Can't see anyone. A blue light like a star afar. Blue mist—flits away. Surface composed of blue water—fringes of land around it, probably not land but black clouds with a suggestion of trees. A tree with a beetle on it. Pointed fir tree with a dingy yellowish green tinged beetle. Climbing up the tree. Name is Ariel, Says its his work always to be climbing without lust of result—always going on climbing. No conception of doing any work but that of climbing always.
A veiled woman with shining eyes rising. Gray robe seems nearly in the dark. Appears to be the servant of the card. A heart supported on 3 swords supported by crowns. A sword pointing downwards with 3 points with lights at the hilt.
Gets the impression of having made the hexagram wrong. "Be prepared, something is wrong". Dullish reddish gray apparently sky, no scenery. A fountain with marble legs and a pool of yellow water. A vault in an enclosed place. Curious figures around the fountain like chessmen.
An eye is the guardian—the bowl of am eye shaped like half moon.