Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 1 February 1925



1 Feb 25


(Object Tarot Trump) XVII The Moon. (Dorothy Olsen the scribe.)


7.15 Twilight sky suggestion of full moon, dark clouds, spot of yellow near moon. Suggestion of 2 jackals: of path; there are trees on the hill side, a very smooth path. a dip in the ground, not high hills, green. Probably an English landscape. A straight path laid up the pass, a black bar. English grass fields with low hedges. On left pointed trees, on right round trees (Juniper and yews) A purple cloud neatly stationary. Flash of a Mongolian face. Face of a woman looking up, floating. Fair dark brown, calm face. Little devils in the tree tops, a glorious purple light. A goat or black buck, devils still there. A dinner table with fruits and flowers surrounded by darkness. Table square, one corner pointing to him. Chairs cane with circular backs. Purple and yellow flowers in china vase of bluish green tinge. A hundred times a globe of light trying to form. A very nice little medal of bronze or dark metal. A yellow cup out of a blue cloud. Probably not a cup—shaped like a soup tureen.


Miss H. (Object) II of Cups [Tarot]. (William Barron the scribe)


A crown with two swords slanting downwards, crown floating in the middle. White crown like silver or platinum. Very bright. Swords have green handles like enamel.


Birds, white pigeons I suppose, lots of them, hopping around on ground, no grass, gravel road. The road is going straight ahead. Lovely place like Monte Carlo, trees, flowers tropical. No people no houses. All nice and green. Like a trumpet, a long tube flattened out at the bottom, gold or brass. Its getting darker. Two people on the road, far away. A man and a woman sitting under a tree in white robes talking, not quarreling. Very interested and happy. A lot of flowers, climbing roses where I am walking. Country not wild. lovely copper colour. Nice blue sky. More roses. Nice sun, just past noon. I see a round well stone, water in well very deep. A bucket on a rope. Bucket is covered with green moss. The well does not appear to be disused: on the road for people to get water. More birds in the sky circling round starlings or swifts making beautiful shapes. Just flying round having a good time. Atmosphere calm and lovely. Stone grey bridge and gorge over river in sunlight, 5 or 7 arches. Purple clouds. A purple distillery or chemical apparatus. Half a still. Portions of a man and a stick or wand. Like an old alchemist, passed middle age, watching the still and pointing at it with wand. Reddish yellow substance in still like a cube. A single-crossed brown sword.


(Object) [I Ching] Hex[agram] 45 (Water of sun) (Dorothy Olsen scribe)


Reddish—reddish golden fog, suggestion of ladder. Curious sky like Persian sunset—idea of ladder moving downwards. Gets air extended sideways like a sky with clouds—muddy—suggestion of gold and red—ladder. Sky after sunset. Dull red. Centre part of interlacing circle silver color. Vesica Piscis. Sees blue-green in centre. Sky like London, glow of a city. All lines horizontal. Space between 4 circles like 4 crescents. Elongates—perpendicular like a fluted pillar.




[1 February 1925?] (Dorothy Olsen scribe)


A cave or tunnel. Nearby night sky—a big tree in front of him. Sky like Persia, like the sun just after sunset with delicate green tints.


One tree on left, a high broad tree—plenty of foliage.


No inhabitants—desert country. No sea—a curious reflection of sky on the earth.


Classical sculpture (Grecian). Man standing over something with an attitude of triumph.


Now absolutely dark—cannot see far ahead.


Lighter—a lot of stone similar to limestone. Water there at one time. Seems like an old river bed.


Still dark—looking down at a place like Tunis—getting lighter. Sea through the trees. Trees are forming 4s. Seems to standing on head, earth and trees upside down.


Possibly mistook sea for clouds. Green grass.


Impression of a volcano smoking in the distance among [illegible] scenery.


A curious vivid green line moving with yellow in it like seaweed. Apparently being waved about in the water.


Under water—not coral, a light lilac rock sort of thing with a blue light. Might be a grotto. Beautiful purple and green.


Suggestion of something green above—suggestion of sand—[illegible].


No fire—no water. Not an earth formation.


Probably water with green stuff.

