Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 5 February 1925
Feb. 5
9:15. Curious sky—slate gray, muddy—traces of light vesica with double diamond. No definite color in sky. Can't get through—it seems too long.
Bluish purple clouds. Rainbow effect—very close a real rainbow—red between purple—green line at bottom. Movement in it—slightly changing color.
Money. Gold money. An English sovereign. It belongs to an old miser—a rich man hoarding wealth—from investments—property left him. Breweries and Government stocks. White hair, white beard and eyebrows, ruddy complexion. Blue suit—blue reefer. A seal from watch chain. A black ring. Greasy coat and white dandruff on coat.
Wife—sour faced woman. Only love children denied her. Married her for money. No love between them. [illegible] Pennyfather Evans.
Wales. Mountainous region. Wife came from the sea. Agriculture—pastoral pursuits. Mostly pasture. Sheep mostly cattle and Welsh ponies.
Some gardens.
Stone wall—no life, no movement—no color. Trying to go down—gets darker.
Hieroglyphics—moving too rapidly to read.
Soaked like a small devil in yellow but went too rapidly. Two forces flowing up and down. One upwards and downwards. Same force in of respects. Composed of curious yellow and light greenish yellow. Produces a circle with three small specks of light which revolve producing circle. Light yellow specks.
Showers of money (greenish) pouring down.
A curious temple—One big central purple dome. Square pillars not oriental and Grecian—mixture of the two. Walls stone. Going up the steps—innumerable steps—seems to going up a lot of people in ecclesiastical dress—mostly people. More a suggestion of people. They are the spirit of temple, of the money which being showered down. People really seem to change into coins.
Many Gods—can't find principal one. Temple seems circular—round inner portion—a lot of Gods. Outside of circle a lot of lattice work like Gothic Cathedrals. It's a large panel with conventional design—gold raised on red. Sees a crown—crown turns into a rose—designs rapidly changing.