Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 25 February 1925



Feb 25/25.


Vision 2. Astrid [Dorothy Olsen]—holding the Stele.


9.24 p.m. to 10.07 p.m. Time 43 minutes.


On the roof. I am in a terrible storm like yesterday; rain, wind, whistling, lightning and thunder. A terrible storm. It's night. Oh what a wind. Dreadful. I can't get off the roof. It's a perfectly furious storm. Lightning like snake lightning. The lightning is trying to form letters but it goes very quickly. It is trying to say something but it goes so fast. CONCORDANCE—something else, but I can't get it. I wish the storm would stop. It's cold too. It's all dark. Seems like the lightning ought to show me but it's so fast. I think it's going to calm down. The wind's not so bad. I have to get off this roof.


I'm in a strange place and it's still dark but the storm is all over. I have the feeling I'm in an open space. I can't see.


(718 [William Barron] says "Call upon Neptune or messenger)


2 sea gulls—coming toward the coast—resting on water. They just shriek. They are flapping their wings. They are probably after some fish after the storm. But I'm funny. I'm walking around with nothing on at all. It's warm. It's a nice place but no one there.


This is funny. It's changed. I see 2 big shields and 2 spears. They are exactly the same. There's no difference.


Q[uestion]. They belong to ? A[nswer]. I suppose to somebody who's fighting. They're—oh there's a snake. The snake has been following them. They've run away. He doesn't want to hurt me. The snake is a big one—like a boa constrictor. He's laughing. He has a sense of humour.


Q. Name? A. He makes himself a question mark. He likes me. He's laughing.


93 (Note. This means Astrid or Barron challenged by saying "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." T.)


Beautiful—his great quality is his sense of humour. Bronze—green, changing a lot. Colours seem to change—bluish-green—yellowish. He's very lovely like a jewel. He seems to want to take care of me. He wants to help but he's sort of joking with me. He's very angry at being asked advice as to how to proceed in the G[reat] W[ork]—striking at a tree—a palm tree. He's come back.


Looking at the sea gulls. They are still there. He shakes his head very gravely as though they were important.


Q. Name? A. He's so nice. I like to stay where he is. Can't think of a name.


718 says "Ask him to take you where you want to go". He will. Walking along sand. I'm following him. The birds are coming too.


A house—a funny house—pillars and pillars and pillars. It's very low. It covers a lot of space. There's no roof on it. It belongs to the snake. It must be a temple, surely. Consecrated to the two birds. He looks like he would like to eat these birds, but he can't.


They are not really sea gulls—they're white. Eyes more like hawks. Shrewd but at the same time, not malicious. Can't get into temple. Snake says I mustn't go. He says "Not yet". He wants to show it belongs to him. He shakes his head as if to say "it's all right".


Q. Does he like me (666)? A. Yes.


Q. Is he in a good temper with me (666)? A. He's not so sure. Doesn't answer. Doesn't look displeased. He's got on my shoulder and is pulling my ear. He says I'll be absolutely destroyed if I don't learn to be patient.


Q. Work at Sidi? A. He's gone into the woods—I'd better go after him. Gone up tree (sees nothing at foot of palm tree—this in answer to 718's question) Goes to sleep in tree. He won't tell me anything; can't tease it out of him.


He's finished with me. I'd better go on. No houses near temple. Going past it. More sand and trees—nobody here. The birds come with me. They just shriek. Getting all dark now. Feel fine. I'd like to stay in this place but it's getting dark.


Q. Why only two birds? A. I don't know. No animals; no men. It must be a very sacred place. I think the snake would keep any one away. Can't see any more.


(718 says "Try once more for the people who are responsible for showing 666 the Stele". Birds flap wings. Can't see any more. Nobody owns these birds. They're free.


(718 says "They must be gods in disguise") Maybe they were the ones that lost the helmets and the shields. Coming home. 10.07 P.M.


