Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 5 March 1925
Mar 5/25. 8.44 p.m. to 9.27 p.m. Time 54 minutes.
Vision 3. Astrid [Dorothy Olsen]
8.46. I'm not anywhere yet. I don't suppose I'll be able to do anything. I'm getting out.
8.48. I don't seem to get anywhere but I hear thunder. No lightning. Can't get off of roof. But I hear thunder. I don't think it's thunder—it sounds like a parade; beating of drums—soldiers—an army. Regular beat.
8.51. I see a huge eagle coming toward me—a bald-headed eagle. He's making a noise too. He's flapping his wings. He doesn't look nice. I don't know what he wants. I think I'd better follow him—he's going away. I'm all right now—it's all right.
I'm in a place like Biskra—sand and a dry river—coming to a town, looks like a red city. Everything is red like sandstone. It's an old ruined city; only a little left. It looks queer, something like those Arab houses in El, Oued—not grey, not white—red.
I always get into dead places. A lot of lizards on the ground. They are running around in the sun having fun. A lot of palm trees again—very high palm trees. A big river like Biskra but no water. I don't think there's been any water here for a long time.
9.00. I can see smoke back of the palm trees—there must be a fire.
(666 says "Go and see what the fire is."
It's a long way. A man has nothing on but a skin and sandals on his feet. Skin—light brownish colour. He's throwing live chickens into the fire, prodding them with a pitch fork. The chickens, half-stunned, are lying on the ground. He's like a n Arab—long beard to his bosom and he looks very savage—strong muscles; about 50. He's carrying on so I'm frightened of him. He takes the long pitch fork and waves it at me and keeps on dancing.
The same two birds I saw the other night—circling round the fire. Terrible smoke. He's thrown another chicken in. He won't speak to me. He said I wouldn't understand him. He seems to think I'm interfering with him. He's pointing to the sun. He won't talk. It must be that he's sacrificing these chickens to the sun. I'll go ahead—he's so busy with the chickens. They get burnt—terribly hot fire.
(666—"Get into the fire".)
It's too hot. I feel hot. Just watching—poking with fire, waving his arms—like an Indian war dance.
9.11. The eagle is coming back. He doesn't touch those birds. I can see another fire further on. My God, I must have got into the South Sea Islands. Seven naked negroes sitting round this fire. Palm trees—it isn't like Tougourt or El Oued—not oasis—not desert. Negroes all alike. Pretend not to understand. I think they're slaves. They don't like me either. They're black, black, black, cannibals. Very black—flat noses. They've all got gold rings in their ears. Wherever I go I seem to see wood ashes where there have been fires. I wonder whether they're sun worshippers. Awfully hot. I just keep going and going and nothing happens.
9.20. It's so hot—see a sort of path; more like a trail. keep on going. Nothing is there. Only trees. Walking—not fast because I'm tired and it is hot. Getting nearer the river now. Stones in river bed. Skeleton of a big crocodile; bones all white. Must be Africa with niggers like that. There isn't any grass—nothing. I always get into such terrible places. I don't like it—too dry. Tired—come back. 9.27 P.M.
[The following is in the handwriting of Leah Hirsig:]
In consequence of a discussion about sending out the [Mediterranean] Manifesto [To Man] I took an oracle of Thelema and got Liber VII—Cap III—V. 60 "Then shall all this which is written be accomplished, yea, it shall be accomplished".
[The diary returns to the handwriting of Crowley:]
Wednesday 0.10 A.M. Op[1] ----- p.v.n. 666-14 OV-IZ [Hebrew] (=93) 93 Oracle VII. VI. 27. There dead Messalina bartered her crown for poison from the dead Locusts; there stood Caligula, and smote the seas of forgetfulness. (Thumb on o of Locusta). Yi symbol [I Ching Hexagram] Dire/Sol. 55 Fang.
die Jovis.
At night went into Trance, and beheld the Vision called The Heart of the Master. At one moment I nearly fainted: and just then Brother Bar-On [William Barron] saw physically in the courtyard an inverted cone of blue light.
1—Refers to a sex magic operation.