Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 25 March 1925
Vision 8. Astrid [Dorothy Olsen] with Stele [Stélé of Revealing].
8.22 P.M. to 9.54. Time 32 minutes.
8.25. Nobody wants to take me anywhere. Red berries on a branch.
XXX IOIVI Somebody reading dime novels. Silly word. "Quo Vadis" I don't see why I have to come back to this tomb (peace where wrong person is buried). Whom shall I call on?
718. RHK.
This is supposed to be the tomb of a man but it is the tomb of a woman. At the same time that it is the tomb of a woman it is the tomb of a great man.
Q[uestion]. "Why do you have to see it?".
A[nswer]. "Think it's a joke. Think it unreasonable to ask such a question".
Q. by 31-666-31 (Leah Hirsig T). "Who is the man, who the woman?"
Get nothing. Might mean (mumbling). Supposed to be in search of something. Tells me "No truth anywhere".
Q. Who?
A. Hear it. Have to go much further. That's why the fruit wasn't any good. Curious thing. A funny monkey on a stick. Badly done—not like Tony Sarg. Laughing all the time—bells round its neck. Never saw any wooden statues before. Warrior. Ancient. Not Egyptian except mummies and things. In middle of tomb. Lots of mummy cases.
This tomb is a mistaken tomb. What kind of a woman is this—supposed to be a man—buried as a woman? That's what's the matter. This woman has taken the place of a man somewhere.
Q. Name?
A. HA. Like a sea wave passing. Gets twisted up with Brother's name—Thorf. Secret.
Q. Name of man?
A. Things—in museum—can't walk out—glass cases. Sarcophagus—lifted up and down. Way out in desert—trying to get back.
718 "Ask to have somebody to guide you. Call on R.H.K. to send somebody to guide you.
11. Abrahadabra 3 - 5 -3.
Can't get anything.
9.45. Don't want to be around here. Too far up ? out? There's no place to go ? Got to go to bottom. Been down there once had they say I don't have to go down any more. Black—black——— Let me alone—going along nicely and seeing beautiful trees and things. Want figure out all these puzzling signs. Triangles forwards and backwards and all sorts of things in the air. Not bird—not plant. 4 leaves on top, 4 leaves on bottom. Stalk. Flower and bird at the same time. Seems to think I'm sort of crazy to ask him anything.
Q. Message?
A. Gone—can't get him. Rose bushes turning into daisies. Can't get to the end of this river at all. Willing to stop long before that. Keeps on going—may mean destruction. Something going to happen. Dajed over terrific waterfall (some person).
9.56. I'd better come back for I see too many confusing things. Back.
(After vision. That coffin was Leah's coffin).
Vision 9. Continued immediately after Vision 8.
9.58. Most absurd thing. Vision of A.C. in middle of Reynold's with 6 heads around. Changes into Leah, then you (A.C.), then it's Leah again. Coming into land of stars. Perfectly silly—not in the past—Leah has coat on—blue and silver—666 all in gold on other side.
All sorts of sparks flying. Want man to take me down to where I was before. Want to see. Got to same tomb. Leah sitting on tomb—looks just the same but face is fatter. White robe—rings on toes—crown on—wings—looks very wise, does not say much.
Nobody can come near this place while she's here. It's her place. Nobody is going to interfere with this place.
Rubies and jewelry on feet twinkle twinkle.
I see—had to go away from there. Walking along river-red stone. 2 rabbits—7 mouths to river (7 come 11) 11 doesn't belong to this river. Red cliffs. Walking along—not much vegetation. Going very fast. Have to get somewhere.
A white city. Lots of minarets but one a very tall one. Small ones near same building. Pillar with Gate in it—gate tower. Go through—say you are looking for your mother.
Ornaments—biceps—shirts—pantaloons—taking out rolls of parchment. Great Excitement. They must know me—don't like me. Little bit afraid but I can keep them off. Don't like me but have to listen. Have to go over big viaduct. Think it's a lie.
Another end of gate like the one I came to. High buildings—not sky-scrapers, rather impressive. Why do people put things round their biceps? Torture?
Belong to Leah. Take me back to tomb—want to convince me of something.
(I should never have had any hashish)
Tomb—Leah on one end: mother on other. One changes into the other. Both the same and—not the same. It's all right. I can't find my father. Is that rational? It must be. No, it's my grandfather—something belongs to Leah. Have to go further—all closed, black. I'd better come back. 10.19 P.M.
(After the vision, the seer kept saying "They put over some dirty tricks on Leah")