Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 6 April 1925



Apr 6 /25 e.v.

[Dorothy Olsen the seer, Leah Hirsig the scribe.]


8.18 P.M. (Suggestion to get into communication with the Brethren.)


8.20. Back to old dead city. Everything been dead so long. Desolate. Don't know why they show me this. Must go on, I think. A man—all in black—like Desert Jew.




He says I have to go on. Place of 7 river beds. Shakes head as if something not right—Somebody been deceived, or something. Sand. Full moon—can see where I'm going.


This is not a river, it's an ocean. Walking along beach. Waves breaking against shore.


8.25. A town—with a gate—like minaret. Eastern city—Arab Gate and wall—white—see it clearly. Have to go further. High towers—mixed up—not Arab—not like pictures of Turkey. Peculiar approach. River at left. Not lot of water in it. Takes so long to get to gate.


8.29. At gate—no one there. Getting to square. Mules standing about—Market place. Queer houses—not exactly like Arab houses—no camels. Not Spain (This suggested by 718)—no people. Waiting for someone to come.




Boy with one leg—hops around on his one leg. Grins and laughs.


Q[uestion]. Name?


A[nswer]. Sticking tongue out. An imp. He says ?


(If I hadn't come out without my notebook)


What a magnificent person! Very peculiar. He's friendly. Blue face—dressed in almost beyond description—All colours—peacock blue—black—salmon colour around bottom—scarlet feet—gold turban—like masquerade.


Q. Ask for message.




Takes hold of 2 hands—going to take me somewhere. Into house—2 men outside of door—like Stele (on door) men have spears and tiger skins about. Dark and damp inside. Pillars red—like this house—open courtyard—lots of rooms. Man claps his hands. Lots of negroes pop out and bow down.


Q. Message ?


A. I have to wait. I'm his guest.


Q. Like to know who he is.


A. You'll find out. I'm your friend.


Q. Name ?


A. I must know it but it isn't to be known.


Go and go———another courtyard. Got ship's model in courtyard. Asks if I don't admire it? Not a dragon like Norwegian ship, but very like. Lovely sails.


Q. It means?


A. You can't stay in one place, you must get on a ship or something. Doesn't speak—full of gestures.


Being entertained. House has no end to it—another corridor—Rooms and rooms and rooms. Menagerie—snakes. All kinds. Caged up. Opening places. They do anything he wants them. Not afraid. Crawl around him. Pushes them away with long cane. They come back.


8.45. Big one wrapping himself all around them. Trying to teach me that you (? A.C. T) can make anything obey. More rooms. A lot of mummy cases—all along passage.


Q. What does this mean?


A. Doesn't tell—wants to show me. A treasure-house Palace. Same Chalice—full of rubies. Points to sapphire on head (Note. The Star Sapphire on Dorothy Olsen's head. T) got lots—much nicer than this one. Wonderful things. Cut Topaz etc set in gold—ivory, everything. Lots of crowns—don't see lots of colours. Whole room changed—floor is blue. Doesn't want me to stay here.


Going thro corridors—takes so long. Coming to room with lots of mirrors—not my self—long black hair—all in red. Red sandals. Seems to push me back to look at this and that. Eyebrows not same—heavy and ugly. Doesn't want me to stay. Light at end of passage. All mummy cases.


8.54. A Pool—red columns. Children bathing in it. They are shrieking. Doesn't want me here. Not so good—walking in blood. A bloody passage (not from pool) Leads to ? Dark, I don't know. Chains clanking. A long way. Out in brilliant daylight—he's gone. Must have come out at subterranean place—city about half a mile away.


8.57. Birds around—ordinary. Funny letters across sky—don't know what they are. Not English. One looks like U—rest go too fast. Going up—can't rest on ground. Going like a spiral—fast.


9. P.M. In desert—carcasses of dead camels and something terrible. Coming back. 9.01 P.M. Time 41 minutes.


