Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 20 October 1925



The previous day and night I nearly died from ptomaine poisoning; or lack of the secret of 4; or both. This was in Cassis; I got into Marseilles by a miracle of will-power. I came slowly round, went to the American Express Company and found a letter promising £70. I found myself flooded with energy and wrote 55 pp. of letters!! Then went to sleep, in aspiration to Aiwaz; and woke at 3 a.m. to find myself in Shavasana, but with my finger tips on my breast. I instantly fell into meditation on the meaning of this will to perfect Union with Him in each of the Five Elements. Then I could not refrain from putting this into verse; having left my Oath-Book in Cassis, and I used this fly-leaf. 666.


