Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 9 April 1926
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Seriat-el-Kiton—the Lair of the Lion.
An 02
[circa April 9, 1926]
4 a.m. Have made love to Astrid [Dorothy Olsen] for 3 hours. Will now work.
4.44. Have worked on Thelema analysis Essay.
Note. Astrid is right about our living alone. It is the A∴A∴ rule.
Fashion note. I don't care what clothes women wear—in any case they come off.
Success in life is Nature's compensation for lack of intelligence.
Christian Science is a disease of the half-educated in the sheltered life.
William or Adela (when Tim announces marriage) "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."
Sitting Rabbit 1st act. Bring in Prince of Wales. Puts on war-paint and dances—smashes and drinks from bottles in chamber scene—she tortures and scalps her lover who comes in and talks Jesus and hangs herself.
Gen[era]l symbol: message re 3 [I Ching Hexagram] Hwan Impression [?]:
[Line] 1. Rescue. [Line] 2. Go to earth. [Line] 3. Ignore personal crisis. [Line] 4. Divide et umpera. [Line] 5. Issue message [Line] 6. All clear.