Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 23 January 1927



Margaret Binetti seems to be trying to evade her obligations to me: what line shall I take to bring her back to dutiful conduct?


 [I Ching Hexagram] LVI Lu




Act with the most diplomatic prudence; but prepare the catastrophe (as proposed to A.) and invite the aid of Strangers. Leave Paris if possible, but only in good conditions. Be cautious. In the end can be altogether; as soon as the result has been attained.


General symbol for Mara (who slept in this bed last night). [I Ching Hexagram] LI Kan [I Ching hexagram artwork]


A sudden violent passion. Doubt as to wisdom of liaison overcome by contempt for petty things and concentration on the Highest.


1. Scandal overcome by faith.

2. I go to country; don't worry; she'll follow.

3. Crisis arises: keep calm and firm, and act aright.

4. Disinclination to take any action (? error ?).

5. Trouble: keep stiff upper lip. Business may come of this (unlikely as that seems).

6. A fuss may arise, with some scandal among my intimates. Moral: take precautions before trouble reaches circle. (? Ware Mab?)


