Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 24 September 1927



in An I2

1.17 A.M. Sept. 24




Great intellectual activity.


Much money through women.


Important Magical journey the principle thing.


Great artistic development.


Mr. C. de V. Hunt [Carl de Vidal Hunt].


What action should I take with regard to my relations with Johnson Features?


[I Ching hexagram] LIII Kien. Thwan. New Contract—favourable.


[Line] 1. There has been some attack on your position; but it has failed.

[Line] 2. Something extra good in store.

[Line] 3. Don't do anything till you're sure of results (i.e. sit tight). Beware of people trying to take you at a disadvantage. Do nothing on spec.

[Line] 4. Go ahead when you're sure of your ground.

[Line] 5. Advancement comes, but with some delay. Your merit is your best bet.

[Line] 6. Advance in reward and reputation. Sit tight: but—stick out for better terms.


After an evening with Gaby Théremin (Oct 3-4 '27 E.V.)


(With apologies (the late [?] Lord Tennyson)


Oh what shall I be at eighty

If Nature keeps me alive

When I find the world so splendid

And I am not fifty-five!


The Word of the Equinox in An I2 received in a special manner during Vigil, at a moment close to the actual hour.


The Thelema Oracle is VII III:60


"Then shall all this which is written be accomplished: yea, it shall be accomplished."


The Yi King Oracle is: [I Ching hexagram] LVI Lu.



What shall "Reggie" do about his affairs with Palmer and Sherwood?


[I Ching hexagram] LI Kan. A dangerous job. Requires qualities with R[eggie] doesn't possess. Q now at rue Vineuse (at end of business). Violent action is needed, but don't lose your own head. Be very much on your guard, and presently you will be laughing cheerfully, and there will be good fortune. But get out quick when it's done. Even a practicing charlatan doesn't believe in Jesus outside business hours.


I ask ΑιFασς to speak to me through the Yi King those things which I need to know with regard to the function of Kasimira [Kasimira Bass], my comrade chosen of the Gods and sent to me to aid me in this Work to do which I am going to Egypt.

[I Ching hexagram] XLIX Ko. She binds me by (golden). She changes me slowly, bringing good fortune and averting error. She saves me from danger resulting from some rash action. A great plan, thrice fully discussed, will cause my Mission to be accepted by mankind. I shall be a successful lawgiver. Confidence in me induces men to put my new system into action. She will prevent me from carrying my reforms too far. The vulgar will follow blindly: with that I must remain content.


The Thwan. I must work with sublime faith, performing wonders which seem to myself impossible until I have accomplished them.


Ergo, I must tackle any required "miracle" with assured mastery: and Kasimira's first care must be to put me into the proper state of mind, and keep me there.


I ask ΑιFασς to declare to me through the Yi King the general formula of my Work in Egypt: its general aim, and the mode of my performance.


[I Ching hexagram] XLVII Khwan. The Thwan. Steady will in wisdom: silence.


[Line] 1. Invoke A[ly]s C[usac]k [Crowley's feminine persona] for the Magick of darkness and sterility, however disinclined.

[Line] 2. Perform active Magick very earnestly. Evil will result, but it will have been right and needful.

[Line] 3. Go alone to the Sepulchre of Ankh-f-n-khonsu. Again, evil results.

[[Line] 4. Rejoin Kasimira. (She could not take the journey.) Our grief at the parting ends in joy. (Or: some trouble in reunion leads to success.)

[Line] 5. The authorities may interfere with our Work. We must remain calm and at ease: avoid hurry or worry. We must assume the attitude of Priesthood—the Eternal Gods are our sufficient succour and Their Word our justification.

[Line] 6. We may be constrained and in grave danger: therefore afraid to take action. But I must repent of my former (1904 e.v.) policy of trying to evade my duty to Aiwass. I must wholeheartedly accept my Mission without fear; then I can go forward with good fortune.


So much for my conduct.


The general aim of the Work is to release the resistless stream ([art - trigram]) of the Nature of Woman ([art - trigram]) in the human function (not [art - trigram]). She will demand freedom to flow whither she will, and the right to seek her Pleasure.


This will lead at first to sterility and neglect of men, with blindness and narrowness, which will cause pain.


The household system will break up, causing domestic inconvenience.


The frustration of natural desires will lead to a deadlock. Woman's obstinacy will further estrange the sexes, and lead to evil. Sex is now seen to be a magical act—a sacrament.


The gradual reconciliation which now begins is hampered by the industrial conditions of this age of machines. After many disasters, a way out is found.


These tendencies have been hateful to the ruling classes, who have tried severe repression. But the unconscious will of the race, moving leisurely from event to event to event, and its satisfaction with the trend of evolution, proves irresistible. It is a deep and sincere religious movement.


The dangers of restriction, and of idealism, are now at last fully understood. Woman resolve to [? align] their former errors on sexual questions, and establish a positive system on Thelemic lines which proves satisfactory to all.


Symbol of relations between me and K[asimira Bass].

[I Ching hexagram] LII. Rest. Peace. Love with Passion. Solid union for defense.



Good dates to start for Egypt. Dec. 27 or 28.


