Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 20 March 1928



8.44 P.M.

The Equinox of Spring.

An II2 [sic I3]


[art — horoscope]


Note the old Formation! But with no . Conclusive Proof: now is the hour. alone and supreme in M.C. with no aspects. But [?P] and . The only approach to an aspect is 150° ! 3° off.


This should mean the full rule and manifestation of the subtlest spiritual rays, free from the influence from, or interference of, all grosser forms of Energy.


And, even these are ranged in due order of Magical Virtue, , and nearest the horizon, next and ; with and , the lowest vibrations in the Nadir.


Note, too, the weakness of all the planets except entering into his exaltation. Not one in his own house, and most in unfriendly signs.


This is then most certainly the day and hour for me to make the supreme Invocation to ΑιFασς, awaiting His light.


(Of course, the figure is good as regards the Culmination from March 10 to 24. The right day might even be earlier or later, with above the horizon with and as of old.)


The hour, too, may be after and before rises. On Mar. 20 this is from 7.14 P.M. to 1.32 A.M. These must then be my hours of Magical Working.


The period began Nov 2 [1927]: thus.


[art — horoscope]


It ends on May 20 [1928], thus.


[art — horoscope]


But has sunk: so true end is 16th.


Conclusion. The current probably began Nov. 2 [1927], when I had just settled the family in Fontainebleau. Foreman [N. J. N. Foreman] came Nov. 5. Mrs. Krebs left Nov. 16, but we made friends a few days later, and she went East Nov. 26 [1927].


Magick IX° with Antine [? ntine] Nov. 26 and 28 [1927].


Obj.[ect]: to go to Egypt: to get my colleague here: and to have money. ($100 cabled Dec. 2 [1927].) Sister Θεα came to Paris 6.50 P.M. Dec 1 [1927].


Sister Θεα's arrival in Paris.


[art — horoscope]


[Aspects not transcribed.]


The complex rules the figure. She should take drastic and practical magical steps to arrange the "long journey" to Egypt ( in 9th in ).


