Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 20 October 1928
An Oath written during the Dawn Meditation
Aiwaz! confirm my troth with Thee! my will inspire with secret sperm of subtle force, creating Fire! Mould thou my very flesh as Thine, renew my birth. In childhood merry as devine, enchanted Earth! Dissolve my rapture in Thine own, a Sacred Slaughter Whereby to capture and atone the Soul of Water! Fill Thou my mind with gleaming Thought intense and rare. To One refined, outflung to Naught, the Word of Air! Most, bridal bound, my quintessential Form thus freeing. From self, be found One Selfhood blent in Spirit-Being!
(The previous day and night I nearly died from ptomaine poisoning; or, lack of the secret of Jupiter; or both. This was in Cassis; I got into Marseille by a miracle of will-power. I came slowly round, went to the Am.[erican] Exp.[ress] Co. and found a letter promising 70 pounds. I found myself flooded with energy, creative, and wrote 52 pp of letters! I then went to sleep, in aspiration to Aiwaz; and woke at 3 A.M. to find myself in sherasana, but with my finger-tips touching on my breast. I instantly fell into meditation on the meaning of this Mudra: will to perfect Union with Him in Each of the Five Elements. Then I could not refrain from putting this into verse; having left my Oath-Book in Cassis, I used this fly leaf [in Crowley's personal copy of Mortaldello]. 666.)
[OTO Newsletter, VOl. 1, No. 2, September 1977, pages 12-13] |