Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 5 March 1929



Inspector came with a summons for all three to go to Prefecture. I was ill and asked him to put it off to Friday, March 8th.


On the last occasion when we had been to The Prefecture, everybody had been charming to us and helped us out in getting our cartes-d'identite. de Miramar [Maria de Miramar] and Regardie [Israel Regardie] went to the Police. I supposed that it was merely to get those cartes-d'identite, for which we had paid and which they evaded handing over on February 20th, when they should have been ready. They told Regardie that his carte was not ready, and that they could not give him mine without a written authorization from me. As I was still, on March 8th, ill in bed, I gave this letter to Regardie. To my amazement they came back with a "Réfus de Séjour" dated February 15th for each of them. An Inspector called in the course of the afternoon to bring mine.


The Prefecture insisted the de M. [de Miramar] and R. [Regardie] leave the country on March 9th. I intended to send them to England. But they were refused admission on March 10th, and returned to Belgium. (Details of this are in separate accounts).


