Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 1 September 1930
Mon[day] 1.
On Saturday Aug[ust] 30 we got the idea to go round the world. Should we adopt this? Would it bring success? [I Ching Hexagram] LXI Kung Fu. The best hexagram in the Yi [King]! Note the Boat symbol! Only shag line 6: moral, don’t try to do too much.
8:30 Still stuck in Vigo [Spain] with fog. Shall have cold albatross for brekker [breakfast]. Trapped behind reef where Highland Piper[1] was ripped last year.
2.0 P.M. Got off.
5.0 P.M. Still dangerously crawling between reefs off Vigo. Fog v[ery] thick; horn still going on at 2 A.M. [Tuesday]
1—A passenger and cargo liner, operating for the Nelson Line company until 1929.
2—The symbol “