Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 10 September 1930
Wed[nesday] 10.
.6% [albumin][1] after heavy day in Lisbon, Portugal
Rested up. We were both very tired and did nothing but küsseln,[2] and go to the Palace Hotel, and walk around rather feebly.
S∴ ANU [Hanni Jaeger] first astral vision. She sees easily, clearly and correctly, but does not hear, or know how to deal with the visions yet. But she saw her own astral as Our Lady Nuit—the Body of Stars.
1—Crowley carried with himself a device to test the level of albumin in his blood, probably through urine. Other similar annotations from this point on show that he was testing the level of albumin almost on a daily basis, comparing it with his general physical condition. Normal levels of albumin in blood range from 3.5 to 5 g/dL. 2—This term occurs several times in the diary with variable spelling (küsseln and kusseln). The term probably derives from German sexual slang and indicates oral sex.