Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 13 September 1930
Sat[urday] 13.
.475% [albumin][1] from j [Thursday] late Kusseln[2] cleared things up.
Meditation: to write a Book for Her of Instruction in Magick.
Question and answer method.
We drank a lot of Brandy.
This was the best Op[us] I remember at all in my whole life. She looked like Clapham Junction. Later she broke down into a very long fit of hysterical sobbing, which I think cleared up her trouble of mind. “I want to be of some use in the world.”
1—Crowley carried with himself a device to test the level of albumin in his blood, probably through urine. Other similar annotations from this point on show that he was testing the level of albumin almost on a daily basis, comparing it with his general physical condition. Normal levels of albumin in blood range from 3.5 to 5 g/dL. 2—This term occurs several times in the diary with variable spelling (küsseln and kusseln). The term probably derives from German sexual slang and indicates oral sex.
3—The symbol “