Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 24 September 1930
Wed[nesday] 24.
Hendaye 8.40 – 9.10 Summertime. Paris – Austerlitz 7.25 P.M. (I got off here to avoid possible flics[1] at [Gare] d’Orsay. Drove to Laperouse[2]—as he was a great and daring navigator and as I hadn’t been there since the war but once! Yet they all recognized me with joy! I was very sad [because] Alex Harrison[3] moribund. The recognition made me nervous about the Gare du Nord; but all went well. I left Paris 10.55 P.M.
2—Lapérouse is a renowned Paris restaurant, which still exists today. The reference is also to Jean François de La Pérouse (1741-1788), famous French explorer and navigator. 3—Thomas Alexander Harrison (1853-1930), American painter. He lived for a long time in France.