Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 3 October 1930
Can't find Sullivan [J.W.N. Sullivan]—wired [Albert] Einstein for him. Later—found him through [Erwin] Schrödinger.
Germer [Karl Germer] dreadfully nervous—drove right into a standing car by sidewalk!
Saw studio of incarnation of Mozart—un vieux maniaque. But he made Hanni [Hanni Jaeger] blush!
Dinner and Mikado with Sullivan and Huxley [Aldous Huxley]. Latter exceptionally charming—and I roused him from his normal apathy.
Anu [Hanni Jaeger] was a miracle of loveliness, and made them both wonder.
Wrote Thynne [Major Robert Thynne] re medium etc. Wired: Master Therion's suicide confirmed stop Urgently request you obtain message from him through medium who contacted Doyle [Arthur Conan Doyle] stop Utmost distress Hanni Jaeger.
.1 [albumin][1] 4.30 P.M.
1—Crowley carried with himself a device to test the level of albumin in his blood, probably through urine. Other similar annotations from this point on show that he was testing the level of albumin almost on a daily basis, comparing it with his general physical condition. Normal levels of albumin in blood range from 3.5 to 5 g/dL.