Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 9 October 1930





I reach the Great Circle. Einstein denies Newton's Absolute Space; yet his equations postulate the phenomenon of the Universe as inherent qualities of a kind of Space which postulates the Newtonian by deviating from it. Only a simplification of the mode in which phenomena present themselves to human sense-organs (via measuring appliances). This then is merely one way of apprehending the real. Another point is that as soon as a tensor reaches perfection, it becomes an identical equation.


But since an identical equation is always ultimately meaningless, how is it that there should be a side to it of which each detail is measurably significant? See my work on Platitude. Analogy of a picture. When the canvas is wholly covered with lines it is meaningless. Then why are some partial coverings significant and others not? Is it significant that (as in a tensor equation) one can always get some sort of likeness to man if one starts with two squares (however deformed or relatively placed) for the pelvis and thorax?


