Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 19 January 1931
10.30. Awake again—more diarrhoea—had gone to sleep with lights on. Don’t know why I’m awake, but resent it. I have been deeply preoccupied during my illness with the question of the Book to help out Science. I should like at least to lay out the idea.
1. There is the trend of MS proposition to mean nothing to ‘intellect’ as of old understood. 2. There is great antimony (?) of Plauck (?) and Maxwell. 3. There is the unification of formulae as properties of a mystic entity.
Despite Luminal and other precautions, wake at 1.5 with the usual fuss.
2.45. awoke again: quite quiet.
5.0. Most violent diarrhoea; yet normal motion!!