Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 15 May 1931



Anu [Hanni Jaeger] rings up—going to be prosecuted for perjury. Went with her to U.S.A. Embassy. Mr. O’Donahue asked their Counsellor Mr. Wuth 17 Lutzowufer about her minority. German law is (as I thought) all that counts.


2.30. Karl [Karl Germer] here—a raving maniac about nothing.


[Dr.] Pailthorpe [Grace Pailthorpe] and Louise [Louise Aschaetzsch] to dinner.


Mikado—too early, I guess; v[ery] dull. Talked—great form—at Lunte’s till late.


Germer broke his promise about the RM 500.


